Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Priceless Postcard #23

This is either an elephant acending a gargantuan red onion, or a toy elephant atop a normal onion-- you decide. If you'd like to receive this postcard, comment and email a delivery address like it says here.



Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

Three more days, Nat! you can do it! LOL love the elephant!

Don't count this I have won twice already... although I still haven't made it to the Post Office yet!

Posting my IF submission tonight I'll link you again... this is the best giveaway in blogland ... crazy more people have not found you!

~Amanda~ said...

I like to think of it as a normal-sized elephant and a GIANT onion. evolution.

Nat said...

Looks like you are the winner! I'll send it along tomorrow