Friday, November 23, 2007

Priceless Postcard #19

Well, I'm on the road and my ink bottle leaked (thankfully into a plastic bag). In the spirit of sticking to it, here is a sketch I had cached in the event of production difficulties. In order to get this or any others I don't get around to awarding, please comment and email a delivery address just like it says here. I have limited internet access this weekend, so I may not be awarding postcards until after the weekend.



Veronica said...

The colors are wonderful in this postcard. I like it a lot. I received the Finny postcard and I LOVE IT. I'm going to go get it framed ASAP.


Headgirl said...

Hi there,

I'm a friend of Jacksons & JI. We, J1, had lunch this week & she was extolling the virues of your art & the portrait of my favourite WFT Jackson,so I thought I should look you up.
I'm impressed...
I'd willingly do a link for a postcard but understand your restrictions re outside the US.

Best wishes

Ms. V said...

I got the postcard and love it, love it! Thank you : )

Stanley said...

I would love to get in on this, so here's my comment on your AMAZING art. This is a cool idea, man.

Goob love,

Nat said...

Looks like fate. I wasn't really sure the others were entering, and when I rolled the dice it came up four (after coming up five first). You're the lucky winner.